Summer Reading Program 2023

Please keep an eye out as we update official end dates for any of our sign-up windows. You can also click each tab for more information later this month!
- Ages 18 month – 4 years
- Registration begins May 15
- Programs will be held Wednesdays, at a time slot you choose. Must fill out paperwork to see available times
- First program will be June 5th
- Featuring in-person story times, and a craft each week.
Program Information
- Registration begins May 15, and will run through June 2
- Ages 5 – 12
- Programs will take place on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons/evenings, at a time slot you choose. Must fill out paperwork to see available times.
- First program will begin June 6th or 8th.
- Featuring in-person crafts and activities, science experiments, games, prizes, and more!
Program Information
- Registration begins May 15
- Programs will be on Wednesdays from 2-4pm
- Activity sheets must be completed and turned in by July 13th
- To be eligible for the lock in, you must attend at least 1 program, complete your reading log (read 10 hours,) and complete and turn in all of your activity pages.
Program Information
- Registration begins May 15 and will remain open throughout the program.
- First program is June 6th
- You will get prize entries for each packet activity you complete and turn in, as well as for turning in a reading log
Program Information
Kids and teen registration begin May 16.
We have programs available for kids, teens, and adults.
- Registration is open from May 15th to June 2nd.
- Everyone who submits a reading log will receive a prize package, and be entered into a drawing for more prizes!
- Return activities from your SRP folder for additional drawing entries.
- Register from May 15 until June 2.
- Featuring in-person crafts and activities, a town scavenger hunt, and prizes!
- Register from May 15 until June 2
- Featuring in-person activities, take-home activities, and prizes!